
Web Links:

  • United Church of Christ
    National office web page where you can learn more about our faith, the structure of our
    denomination, the national ministries and staff, our history, and so much more.
  • Bread for the World
    A nationwide Christian citizens’ movement seeking justice for the world’s hungry people by lobbying our nation’s decision makers.

Links for Magazines:

  • Sojourners Online
    A great magazine with lots of “faith in action” articles.

Video Links From The Deering Community Church Open and Affirming Subcommittee:

  • Go to for a 35 minute film clip produced by a professor at the University of Oklahoma. You must fill out a completely anonymous survey online prior to seeing this film free of charge.
  • This film clip of Brittany M. Novotny is a short, very upbeat and excellent film clip from a 30 year old TransWoman in Oklahoma who has successfully come to grips with being a woman in a man’s body.